Thursday, April 29, 2010

FASHION/Glamour shoot.

Here are a few more photo's from a fun fashion/glamour shoot I did a couple of months back.

Models : Celina & Hope
Hair : Anne Poppitt
Make-up : Tara Trudeau




Sunday, April 25, 2010

Early morning downtown walk.

Here are a few photo's I took early one morning while I was killing time downtown.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

New look for the web site.

Hi everyone, slowly but surely we are getting the website exactly the way we want it. Here is the latest look for the site, we hope you like it and all comments are welcome.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fashion/Glamour Flickr Photoshoot

Here are a few shots of I did at a fashion/glamour shoot I participated in back the beginning of march. We had 2 models, Hope and Celina, plus we had a hairstylist,Anne and a make-up artist, Tara. We also had 5 photographers there to shoot the girls.Everyone had a great time and I hope to be able to do it again soon.
I hope everyone likes the photos, comments are welcome.
Thanks goes out to Sandy, of Midnight Portraits, who organized the event, great job.

Baking with Mom.

These are a few photos of the baking my wife and daughter did, and yes they were as yummy as they look.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The New Website is Up and Running.

Hi everyone, just a quick note to let you all know that our new web site,, is up and running.
Please drop by the site and let us know what you think of it.
We hope you all enjoy the photos.

Rob & Leiann

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Family Portraits

Here are a few family portraits that I took last night at the family Easter diner.These where a bit of a challenge to do as I had very limited space to shoot them in, about 8'x10'. Thats not much room when you trying to shoot an extended family of 14, lol. I hope you all like them.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Baby Portraits

Pic Your Angle Photography: Welcome to my Very First Blog !!!!

Pic Your Angle Photography: Welcome to my Very First Blog !!!!

Welcome to my Very First Blog !!!!

  Hello everyone, thanks for stopping by to check out my blog. Today is the very first blog I have ever posted so please bear with until I get the hang of blogging.

 I have a large Family portrait shoot this afternoon, I think there will be 14 family member so it should be an interesting shoot. Check back to see the photo's in a couple of days.

  I would also like to send out a Happy Easter from my family to all of your families.