Sunday, October 24, 2010

We Want You....

My son Rylan has joined the Air Cadets this year, 533 Sabre Squadron out if St.Albert. He is very excited about being an Air Cadet and as soon as he received his uniform, we had to do a photo shoot. These photos are from that shoot.

A walk in the park.....

In my neighbourhood we have a few man made lakes or ponds. These photos were taken at one of those ponds, which is about a block from my house. When you take your time and look at what nature has to offer it might surprise you, even when your in the middle of a city.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Book review......Photographing People, Portraits,Fashion,Glamor by RotoVision

Well I just finished reading the book Photographing People, Portraits, Fashion, Glamor and have to say it was a very good book on lighting. Now this book isn't a how to book on lighting, it's more of a how do the pros do their lighting. Each page shows a photo, a lighting diagram that shows how the photographer set up the lighting for the shot and a brief write up as to why they set up their lights that way for the shot. The book features may of the top pros in the industry like, Frank Wartenberg, Michael Grecco, Michael Freeman and many many more.
If your in a lighting rut and need some inspiration for new lighting set ups then this is the book for you.