Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Edmonton Fast Track Photography Meet

Hi everyone, well I finally made it to an Edmonton Fast track meeting. For those of you that don't know about the Edmonton Fast Track organization they are a group of Edmonton photographers that are basing their meetings on Dane Sander's book and business philosophy " Fast Track Photographer ".

This months meeting was supposed to be a pot-luck dinner at Hawrelak Park with a model shoot but mother nature put a stop to that with non stop rain. We ended up meeting at Starbucks and then went out to do the model shoot in an old car parkaid downtown. The shoot was a great time and I have to thank our models, Sara and Chris, for being great sports and pretty much doing all that we ask of them. You guys are the best Sara and Chris.

These are the photos from that shoot, I hope you like them.

Once again a special thanks to our models Chris and Sara, you guys rock.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Amazing. Thanks Rob!!