Saturday, September 18, 2010

Photo 2 of 365

Evening, todays photo is a studio shot I did for my daughters 6th birthday party. The theme of the party was Barbie Fashion Fantasy.... so we just had to do a fashion shoot with the girls. This photo is from that shoot.

Camera : Canon 5Dmk2
Lens: 85 f/1.2
Focal length: 85mm
Shutter Speed: 1/160s
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 100
Lighting: Key- Cl- Profoto 600r w/ med soft box w/ 40* grid
                Fill - Cr - Profoto 600r w/ 22" beauty dish
           Kicker - Cl & Cr -2 Elenchrom D-lite 4 w/ 8" reflector w/ 20* grids
  Background - Cl & Cr - 2 Ef 580exII w/ white bounce umbrellas

This shot was taken with 6 different lights, each light adding to the over all essence of the shot. Here are a couple of behind the seen  shots so you can see how the lighting was set up.

So is shot shows the key light ,Med soft box with the grid, the kicker light with grid and the 580exII in the umbrella for the background. As you can see my studio is in my garage so I don't have a lot of room to work with and I really have to control were the light is going, that is why I use grids when ever possible. If I can't use a grid to control light spillage, like in the case of the bounce umbrellas, I set up a flat or bookend to control where the light goes. The big white piece of foam core  is a flat and I'm using it to block the background light from spilling onto my subject.

Here is the same set up, just showing it from the fill side of the shot. The 22" beauty dish was used as a fill light, the 8"gridded reflector is the kicker and last another 580exII in a bounce umbrella for the background that has a flat in front of it to block the light spillage .

I hope you like the shot, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them.
Have a great night.

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