Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 3 of 365 Project

Well today was a cold dreary day, so I decided to head down to the local man made lake here in out neighbourhood and see if there were any geese around. So I packed up my Canon 1DMk3, my 70-200  f/2.8 with the 2 x extender and my trusty tripod and head down to the lake. Well there wasn't very much happening at the lake, the place was barren, just a couple of geese at the far side of the lake and a seagull feeding jut off the shore line.
Well the geese where to far away for a good shot, even with the 70-200 f/2.8 racked out to 400 f/5.6 with the 2x extender so I focused on the feed seagull that was slowly swimming towards me. My shot of the day  shows the seagull diving for lunch and it also show what a fast shutter speed can do for an action shot.

Camera - 1DMk3
Lens - 70-200 f/2.8 IS w/ 2x Extender
Focal Length - 400mm
Aperture - f/5.6
Shutter Speed - 1/800s
ISO - 800

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