Friday, September 17, 2010

Photo Number 1 of 365 Project

Well here is the very first photo for my new 365 project. It was my son, Rylan's 15th birthday yesterday so tonight he is having a few friends over to celebrate. They're all downstairs in the theatre room rocking it out on RockBand so I couldn't resist getting a few shots of them.
This first 365 photo is a shot of my son rocking out on the Rockband drum set.

The shot was taken with a Canon 5Dmk2 and the 85 f/1.2.
Lighting - 100% ambiant
Focal Length - 85 mm
ISO - 6400
Shutter Speed - 1/500
Aperture - f/1.2

Now, I'm not much of a tilt shot kinda guy but i think the tilt on this shot does work well with the composition of the shot.

 Happy 15th Birthday Rylan, I Love you.

1 comment:

Stacey Shields said...

Awesome shot, Rob!! I look forward to following you on this blog! :D